Developing a personal backup strategy
Developing a personal backup strategy

developing a personal backup strategy

Similar situations in different fields, such as biology, are explored to give a thorough understanding of how problems that arise from the growing use of digital media are currently being solved. Throughout the background research of this subject, comparisons are made between traditional and contemporary artistic media, to establish the reasons behind the need for conserving supporting documents as well as the works themselves. As well as exploring artist’s awareness of the importance of conserving their art, consideration is also made to the nature of, and concepts behind, their work and how this can affect their approach to archiving and preservation.

developing a personal backup strategy

Data on the digital preservation attitudes and practices of artists are collected through interviews and surveys and are analysed to identify patterns. This dissertation investigates the understanding and application of personal digital conservation techniques by artists, and endeavours to understand the reasoning behind their approach of this. Based on results several implications for practice and research are presented. The study also revealed that around a fifth of all computers are not backed up, and a quarter of most important files and a third of most important folders at the time of the survey could not be (fully) restored in the event of computer failure. The results show that the majority of users do manual, selective and non-continuous backups, rely on a set of planned and unplanned backups (as a consequence of other activities), have inadequate knowledge about possible solutions and implications of using known solutions, etc. In this paper we present the results from a quantitative and qualitative survey of 319 participants about how they backup their personal computers and restore personal information in case of computer failures. Despite this, small group studies and corporate surveys show the opposite. Cloud storage, personal network-attached storage (NAS) and external hard drives are more affordable as ever before and one would think that backing up personal digital information is a straight forward process nowadays. The segment of companies providing storage services and hardware for end users and small businesses has been growing in the past few years.

Developing a personal backup strategy